Who Is the Gainesville Guru?

Welcome! Photo of me taken by my sister at Kanapaha Botanical Gardens


My name is Jennifer Bright. I am a lifelong Floridian who moved to Gainesville in the summer of 2009 to begin my studies at the University of Florida. I am the youngest of four children from a small city in South Florida called Pembroke Pines. I graduated from UF in December 2013, with a Bachelor’s in English and Sustainability Studies. Both fortunately and unfortunately I am still not sure what I want to do now that I have graduated and am going to remain living and exploring this velvet rut of a city that I love so much.

In the spring of 2012 I took a class on blogging and as you can imagine the main assignment for the course was creating a blog of your own. Since I love the city my college is in so much I decided to dedicate this blog to exploring Gainesville and some other places outside of Gainesville I get the opportunity to visit.

I live in an apartment in downtown Gainesville with three other girls, two of whom will come along on some of my adventures and be featured on this blog. One of them is Mary Labance a fourth year Microbiology and Cell Science major from Pinellas Park, Florida. The other is Carley Pels a fourth year Health Education and Behavior major from Seminole, Florida. Also, my older sister Catherine who graduated Florida State University in April 2012 has joined me on a few of my excursions and will be featured on my blog as well. I love living in Gainesville and have spent the past few years checking out some cool places here but I know I still haven’t seen everything there is to see. This blog features restuarants, zoos, parks, and other places for recreation here in Gainesville. I am so excited to share all of my discoveries with you! Feel free to use the comments section or email me at jbright4@ufl.edu to inform me about any interesting places you feel I should check out or just to chat, I would love to hear your thoughts and input!

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