Ms. Guru Goes to Washington

Pierre Charles L'Enfant planner of Washington, DC gravesite overlook the city

Pierre Charles L’Enfant, planner of Washington, DC gravesite overlooking the city

I have been visiting Washington, DC about once a year since 2008 when my father relocated to the city for work. Since then, my eldest brother and sister have joined him in our nations capital.

Arlington House

Arlington House

Pentagon City Metro Station

Pentagon City Metro Station

The architecture of the metro stations is one of my favorite things about the city. I can’t help but stare up at the brutalist architecture while waiting for the metro. My mother finds the stations too dark. My biggest problem with the show Scandal is the Olivia Pope’s flashback scenes of meeting Huck at a metro stop and having that metro stop look nothing like the actual thing is extremely bothersome.


The panda exhibit at the Smithsonian Zoo really makes you feel like you’re in the mountain forests of China


A lil panda booty for ya

As you saw with my Santa Fe College Teaching Zoo post I love the zoo, especially free zoos like the Smithsonian National Zoo. While I don’t think some of the animals they house such as elephants and cheetahs are right for zoo life the Smithsonian is still a well-maintained and educational zoo.

Przewalski horse

Przewalski horse



This photo was taken a little over a month before the Washington Monument reopened on May 12 after being closed since the 2011 5.8 magnitude earthquake. My father referred to it as the “biggest caulking job in the world”. I thought the monument looked quite beautiful with scaffolding around it.

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